Why is ISO certification so important anyway?
How will being ISO certified positively impact my business?

There are various benefits associated with ISO accreditation, all of which have the potential to propel your business to the next level.

For some industries, not being ISO accredited can mean that you won’t even be considered when applying for tenders. Some organisations use it as a culling tool to automatically remove companies from the tender process. For example, government bodies, among an increasing amount of other private and public sectors, will only deal with companies that are ISO accredited.


When you think about it, a company’s or organisation’s reputation not only relies heavily on the people they have on their payroll, but also the people they have in their supply chain.

It makes sense for an ISO accredited company to ensure their ISO credentials are being upheld and protected by those they source their products and services from. It would be detrimental to take risks with their ability to protect their stellar reputation.

There’s almost an underlying obligation to ensure everyone down the supply chain is acting in the same accordance – otherwise, what would be the point?

Not only does implementing ISO standards improve company success, a spike in consumer demand for companies to act ethically and transparently has become an increasingly hot topic of late, due in part to a series of recent public scandals.

Whether you’re at the start-up stage, your business is established and successful or you’re getting ready to sell, ISO certification can ensure you have an edge that will stand you out from the crowd, as a reputable, professional and reliable company – that not only delivers a quality service, but acts ethically and operates at a world-recognised standard in every aspect.


The standards help businesses streamline internal operations, increase productivity and minimise errors and waste; innovate new processes, expand supply networks, introduce new product lines, ensure a level playing field with competitors, generate and increase new opportunity, facilitate and manage growth by expanding into new markets, and assist in the development of global trade.


There are various other benefits of implementing an ISO quality management system that are of far greater value than a monetary one, most often seeing an increase in overall satisfaction and morale of staff, management and company stakeholders, increased productivity while reducing errors and resource waste, effective conflict resolution, lower staff turnover, increased consumer satisfaction, and in turn, an improved company reputation.


The standards also serve to safeguard consumers, ensuring that certified products conform to internationally set minimum standards, thereby instilling confidence that you are a legitimate, reputable and ethical company delivering a quality service.

ISO Certification:

Shows commitment to:

  • Board members, stakeholders, staff & directors
  • Clientele, consumers
  • Other companies, public/private sectors, who increasingly, will only deal with ISO certified businesses

That you are:

  • Upholding a level of service
  • Implementing best practice strategies/standards
  • Committed to reducing errors
  • Committed to reducing waste (resources, wages)
  • Operating to the best possible standard
  • Endorses you as a legitimate, reputable business delivering a quality service
  • Committed to workplace health & safety
  • Committed to information security

How or Why?

  • Boosts market opportunities
  • Promotes international trade
  • Consumers can easily identify your credibility
  • Clients are easily assured of your quality of service
  • Lifts both staff and client satisfaction
  • Ensures you are on a level playing field with your competitors
  • Increases likelihood of winning tenders and new business opportunities
  • An increasing amount of customers are giving more weight to ISO accreditation
  • Series of recent scandals – increased public demand for companies to operate ethically